Elite liften en roltrappen

Elite is a full-service elevator maintenance company offering services such as maintenance, repair, renovation, and modernization. Elite has a team of experienced professionals capable of solving a wide range of complex elevator issues all types of elevators and elevator brands. Elite focuses on providing high quality service and clear communication towards their customers.

Together with Karmijn Capital, Elite is accelerating its growth by acquiring elevator companies and forming an elevator group. The companies in this group will mutually strengthen each other to become a major player in the elevator market. Therefore, Elite is looking for elevator companies and portfolios to acquire. Additionally, the company is investing in attracting and retaining talent and further professionalization.

Investment: December 2023

Elite liften en roltrappen
Niels Molewijk
CEO of UP Liftengroep

Niels Molewijk

Hans van Spronsen
Founder and CEO of Elite

Hans van Spronsen

“Sinds de oprichting van Elite in 2019 is het bedrijf snel gegroeid, waarbij de wens voor een partner steeds sterker werd. De toevoeging van een professionele investeerder is een uitkomst waarbij de reeds gevormde ideeën van Karmijn over de liftmarkt en hun normen en waarden aansloten bij mijn eigen visie. Het is ons doel om een kwalitatief sterke groep te bouwen waarbij de kernwaarden van Elite altijd de leidraad zullen vormen. Ik kijk ernaar uit om de groeidoelen te realiseren.”

Investment managers

"Elite is a successful and ambitious company in an exciting market. In the future, additional value can be created for an even larger group of customers. We look forward to a successful partnership to jointly realize Elite's ambition and continue to make a positive impact in the world of elevators and mobility."

Nicole Zomerhuis

Nicole Zomerhuis

Investment Manager
Ad van Herpen

Ad van Herpen

Senior Investment Manager
Elite liften en roltrappen
Laan van Ambacht 7
2631 RJ Nootdorp
015 - 785 3386

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